Dr Annelie Du Plessis Homeopathic Practice
ACCESS TO INFORMATION MANUAL (PRIVATE BODY) (PREPARED IN TERMS OF SECTION 51 OF THE PROMOTION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION ACT 2 OF 2000) 1. Purpose of the Manual in terms of PAIA The purpose of this Manual is to assist people wishing to access information in terms of the PAIA from Dr Annelie Du Plessis Homeopathic Practice. 2. Request for access to information In the event that a person or entity requires access to information as contemplated in the Act, the requester must contact Dr Annelie du Plessis. In terms of section 25(2) states that: (2) If the request for access is granted, the notice in terms of subsection (1)(b) must state— (a) the access fee (if any) to be paid upon access; (b) the form in which access will be given; and (c) that the requester may lodge an internal appeal or an application with a court, as the case may be, against the access fee to be paid or the form of access 15 granted, and the procedure (including the period) for lodging the internal appeal or application, as the case may be. (3) If the request for access is refused, the notice in terms of subsection (1 )(b) must— (a) state adequate reasons for the refusal, including the provisions of this Act relied upon; (b) exclude, from such reasons, any reference to the content of the record; and (c) state that the requester may lodge an internal appeal or an application with a court, as the case may be, against the refusal of the request, and the procedure (including the period) for lodging the internal appeal or application, as the case may be. 3. Terms used in this document Terms defined in the act shall have the meaning set out therein; Reference to sections shall be a reference to sections in the Act 4. Organisation Details a. Dr Annelie du Plessis Homeopathic Doctor b. 44 Van Riebeeck Rd, Kempton Park, 1619 c. (011) 975 8377 (T) d. 086 219 1597 (F) e. annelie@wbs.co.za f. www.homeopaat.co.za 5. Details of the information officer Dr Annelie du Plessis 011 975 8377 (T) 086 219 1597 (F) 6. Section 51(1) (c) In terms of Section 52, a private body may, on a voluntary and periodic basis, submit to the Minister a description of categories of records which are automatically available without a person having to request access in terms of this Act. This includes records which are available: for inspection, for purchase or copying from the private body; and from the private body free of charge: – Background of & Services offered by Dr AC du Plessis Homeopathic Practice which is available on our website (www.homeopaat.co.za) 7. Applicable Legislations The manual must describe those records which a private body must make available in terms of any other legislation. It is recommended that on completing this portion of the manual, information officers should consult with their Secretarial and Legal Services for input and guidance. In the process, it is recommended that the following legislation be considered. This list is by no means exhaustive, and is intended to serve as a guide only. No Ref Act 1 No 58 of 1962 Income Tax Act 2 No 101 of 1965 Medicines and Related Substances Act 39 No 63 of 1982 Allied Health Professionals Act 8. Access to records and availability RECORDS SUBJECT AVAILABILITY Public Affairs Public Product Information Freely available on the website www.homeopaat.co.za Financials Financial and Tax Records, Private entity – Not required to disclose. Patients Patient records—Restricted by law 9. Requesting Procedure To facilitate the processing of your request, kindly: a) Use the prescribed form, available on the website of the South African Human Rights Commission at www.sahrc.org.za, or the website of THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AND CONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT (under regulations) at www.doj.gov.za. b) Address your request to Dr Annelie Du Plessis Homeopathic Practice. c) Provide sufficient details to Dr Annelie Du Plessis Homeopathic Practice to identify: * Records requested; * The requester (and if an agent is lodging the request, proof of capacity); * (i) The postal address or fax number of the requester in the Republic; (ii) If the requester wishes to be informed of the decision in any manner (in addition to written) the manner and particulars thereof; * The right which the requester is seeking to exercise or protect with an explanation of the reason the record is required to exercise or protect the right. 10.2 Availability of the Manual 10.2.1 This manual is available for inspection by the general public upon request during office hours and there is no charge for viewing the manual at our offices (44 Van Riebeeck Rd, Kempton Park), Copies of the manual may be made available subject to the prescribed fees. 10.2.2 Copies may also be requested from the South African Human Rights Commission at the address indicated below. 10.2.3 The manual will also be available for viewing on our website at www.homeopaat.co.za. 10.3 Fees A requester who seeks access to a record containing personal information about that requester is not required to pay the request fees. Any other requester who is not a personal requester must pay the required fee: 10.3.1 A fee will be required by the head (contact person) before further processing of the request in terms of S54 of the Act 10.3.2 A requester fee of R50 should be paid, this amount will be refunded should the request for access be refused 10.3.3 A portion of the access fee (not more than one third) may be required before the request is considered 10.3.4 The requester may lodge an application with a court against the payment of the request fee in terms of S54(3)(b) of the Act 10.3.5 The head may withhold a record until the requester has paid the applicable fees 10.4 Details of the South African Human Rights Commission Any queries with regard to this manual should be directed to: The South African Human Rights Commission; PAIA Unit Research and Documentation Department Private Bag 2700 Houghton 2041 Phone: 011 484 8300 Fax: 011 484 0582 Email: PAIA@sarhc.org.za Website:www.sahrc.org.za |